About Lunation's Webmaster
Lunation is the brainchild of a certain Terral Gordin. The idea of a country on the Moon is not that farfetched... There were plans for Mars missions by the 1980's. A Moon Base seemed the perfect follow-up to the overwhelmingly successful Apollo Program. NASA used it's next project, Skylab, to test what low and 0 gravity would do to a person, when exposed for an extended period of time. After the three Apollo Launches, (Skylab 2, Skylab 3, and Skylab 4 [Skylab 1 was the station itself]) NASA hoped to get the Space Shuttle designed and flying in time to bring the station into a higher orbit. Alas, they were too slow, and Skylab burned up over Australia on July 11, 1979. About two years later, on April 12, 1981, the Space Shuttle Columbia made it's maiden voyage into the orbit of Earth. right: Columbia prepares to launch...
Ways to help
Did you know that if every person in the US gave just one dollar to NASA, they'd eventually get 7 back, though lowered costs from Sapace research. An example: A Ball Bearing made in space will not wear down, as it is a perfect sphere. In 0 G, liquids form into suspended bubbles, which are perfect spheres. Once liquid steel would harden, it would still be a perfect sphere.
Ordinary people can help, too. There is a contest called the "X-prize" going on right now. It is a contest for a prize of 10 million US Dollars, to promote Space Tourism. It is run by such familiar faces as Dennis Tito, the first space tourist. There are over 20 teams competing, and the X-prize company and the teams are all looking for Donations. Visit the Links page for more info on the X-Prize.
Terral Gordin
Luna Tranquillitatus Alpha, Lunation
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