What's New at Lunation?
Here, i'll alert you to new articles I'm writing. There may be some ready soon, so stay tuned!
August 22, 2003
It's here. "International Addon Station" is up. Feel free to post on hte Corkboard *Hint hint*
August 17, 2003
New article coming, put up a corkboard section where you can post your opinions...
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Interesting Space News
More and more money is going into the NASA Orbital Space Plane (OSP) account. The OSP is a replacement for the shuttle. There are currently four different versions being considered. One is a capsule, with a disposable engine. Another is a small Space Shuttle look alike. The other two are "Lifting Body" designs, similar to Airplanes. Check up here often, i'll narrow down the OSP Choices until one remains. Personally, i'm pulling for one of the lifting bodies.